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Official UK BMW ALPINA production figures

This page contains the officially recorded UK production of ALPINA since 1993.
Listed here are the numbers of BMW ALPINAs produced and delivered each year to Sytner (ALPINA UK).

See our Frequently Asked Questions page for further information
(D3 / D3 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
3-Series (E36/E46/E90/E91/E92/E93/F30/F31)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA D3 -Saloon932641358614 (58%)
 Touring1261073252 (28%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA D3 - is 431 (made up of 358 Saloons and 73 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA D3 Bi-TurboSaloon3104777645420234365478 (76%)
 Touring332252513412161149534 (27%)
 Coupe53171312196289 (33%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA Bi-Turbo is 610 (made up of 96 Coupes, 365 Saloons and 149 Tourings)
Total for D3
(D3 / D3 Bi-Turbo)
1053256015311511315883239510412167 (48%)
(B3 3.0 / B3 3.2 / B3 3.3 / B3 S / B3 Bi-turbo / B3S Bi-turbo/GT3)
Based on the
3-Series (E36/E46/E90/E91/E92/E93/F30/F31)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B3 3.0Saloon1108221359 (5%)
 Touring0000024 (0%)
 Coupe3619028235 (11%)
 Cabrio12216149 (4%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 3.0 is 55 (made up of 6 Cabrios, 28 Coupes, 21 Saloons and 0 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B3 3.2Saloon1210485 (4%)
 Touring3200589 (5%)
 Coupe8121503580 (43%)
 Cabrio1910123288 (36%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 3.2 is 76 (made up of 32 Cabrios, 35 Coupes, 4 Saloons and 5 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B3 3.3Saloon78161095591 (16%)
 Touring01629146 (6%)
 Coupe15922890275 (32%)
 Cabrio079726130287 (45%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 3.3 is 324 (made up of 130 Cabrios, 90 Coupes, 95 Saloons and 9 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B3 Bi-TurboSaloon9152118244 (7%)
 Touring232766 (10%)
 Coupe47350274 (18%)
 Cabrio139444215 (20%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 Bi-Turbo is 119 (made up of 44 Cabrios, 50 Coupes, 18 Saloons and 7 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B3 GT3Coupe22499 (4%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 GT3 is 4 (made up of 4 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B3 sSaloon98320250 (8%)
 Touring15208116 (6%)
 Coupe16125235149 (23%)
 Cabrio16110341161292 (55%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B3 s is 224 (made up of 161 Cabrios, 35 Coupes, 20 Saloons and 8 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B3 S Bi-TurboSaloon31498 (4%)
 Touring124778 (8%)
 Coupe83112101 (11%)
 Cabrio213125130 (19%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA S Bi-Turbo is 48 (made up of 25 Cabrios, 12 Coupes, 4 Saloons and 7 Tourings)
Total for B3
(B3 3.0 / B3 3.2 / B3 3.3 / B3 S / B3 Bi-turbo / B3S Bi-turbo/GT3)
5182916252691831267813544319783393823348504520 (18%)
BMW ALPINA XD3 (XD3 Bi-Turbo)Based on the
X3 (F25)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA XD3 Bi-Turbo8181211150still in production
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA Bi-Turbo is 50 (made up of 50 s)
Total for XD3 (XD3 Bi-Turbo)8181211150still in production
(D4 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
4-Series (F32/F33)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
 Coupe18125439still in production
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA Bi-Turbo is 55 (made up of 16 Cabrios and 39 Coupes)
Total for D4
(D4 Bi-Turbo)
18247655still in production
(B4 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
4-Series (F32/F33)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
 Coupe4149still in production
BMW ALPINA B4 Bi-turboCabrio2316still in production
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B4 Bi-turbo is 15 (made up of 6 Cabrios and 9 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B4 S Bi-TurboCoupe33
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA S Bi-Turbo is 5 (made up of 2 Cabrios and 3 Coupes)
Total for B4
(B4 Bi-Turbo)
645520still in production
(D5 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
5-Series (F10/F11)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA D5 Bi-TurboSaloon422312472still in production
 Touring833216still in production
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA D5 Bi-Turbo is 88 (made up of 72 Saloons and 16 Tourings)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA S (LHD) is 2 (made up of 2 Saloons)
Total for D5
(D5 Bi-Turbo)
5026426290still in production
(B5 / B5 S / B5 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
5-Series (E60/E61/F10/F11)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B5 -Saloon502171428 (16%)
 Touring314119 (3%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B5 - is 75 (made up of 71 Saloons and 4 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B5 Bi-TurboSaloon99321167 (12%)
 Touring4111776 (9%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B5 Bi-Turbo is 28 (made up of 21 Saloons and 7 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B5 Bi-Turbo Edition 50Saloon11230 (6%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B5 Bi-Turbo Edition 50 is 2 (made up of 2 Saloons)
BMW ALPINA B5 SSaloon21012120 (10%)
 Touring01159 (1%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA S is 13 (made up of 12 Saloons and 1 Tourings)
Total for B5
(B5 / B5 S / B5 Bi-Turbo)
532221191314111118999 (11%)
(B6 / B6S / B6 Bi-Turbo)
Based on the
6-Series (E63/E64/F12/F13)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B6 -Coupe213116 (2%)
 Cabrio40480 (5%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B6 - is 7 (made up of 4 Cabrios and 3 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B6 Bi-TurboCoupe2283 (2%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B6 Bi-Turbo is 2 (made up of 2 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B6 Bi-Turbo Edition 50Coupe11
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B6 Bi-Turbo Edition 50 is 1 (made up of 1 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B6 SCoupe3395 (3%)
 Cabrio3340 (7%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA S is 6 (made up of 3 Cabrios and 3 Coupes)
Total for B6
(B6 / B6S / B6 Bi-Turbo)
6162116414 (3%)
(B7 / B7 Bi-turbo)
Based on the
7-Series (E65/ F01)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B7 -Saloon45211141 (7%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B7 - is 11 (made up of 11 Saloons)
BMW ALPINA B7 Bi-TurboSaloon11220 (10%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA Bi-Turbo is 2 (made up of 2 Saloons)
Total for B7
(B7 / B7 Bi-turbo)
4521113161 (8%)

Non-current Models

(Roadster V8 / Roadster S)
Based on the
Z4 (E85) and Z8 (E52)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA Roadster SCabrio10364167370 (45%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA Roadster S is 167 (made up of 167 Cabrios)
BMW ALPINA Roadster V8Cabrio66105 (5%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA V8 is 6 (made up of 6 Cabrios)
Total for Roadster
(Roadster V8 / Roadster S)
610364173475 (36%)
(B10 3.2 / B10 3.3 / B10 V8 / B10 V8S)
Based on the
5-Series (E39)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B10 3.2Saloon05959194 (30%)
 Touring14572 (6%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B10 3.2 is 64 (made up of 59 Saloons and 5 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B10 3.3Saloon31223326112240 (46%)
 Touring1115021970 (27%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B10 3.3 is 131 (made up of 112 Saloons and 19 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B10 V8Saloon4858106490 (21%)
 Saloon393640115364 (31%)
 Touring03382 (3%)
 Touring2147122 (5%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B10 V8 is 231 (made up of 221 Saloons and 10 Tourings)
BMW ALPINA B10 V8SSaloon41142145 (28%)
 Touring31443 (9%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA V8S is 46 (made up of 42 Saloons and 4 Tourings)
Total for B10
(B10 3.2 / B10 3.3 / B10 V8 / B10 V8S)
491248360827044721822 (25%)
(B12 5.7 / B12 6.0)
Based on the
7-Series (E38) and 8-Series (E31)
ModelBody Style1993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017TotalGlobally
BMW ALPINA B12 5.7Coupe1157 (1%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B12 5.7 is 1 (made up of 1 Coupes)
BMW ALPINA B12 5.7 E-catSaloon448143 (5%)
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA B12 5.7 E-cat is 8 (made up of 8 Saloons)
BMW ALPINA B12 6.0 E-KatSaloon411671 (8%)
 LWB Saloon11
Total UK production of the BMW ALPINA 6.0 E-Kat is 7 (made up of 1 LWB Saloons and 6 Saloons)
Total for B12
(B12 5.7 / B12 6.0)
15441116271 (5%)
Total UK Annual BMW ALPINA production5183016791541781442091481451511251353291741621571355450140787424291410829 (26%)

There have been 2914 official factory produced UK BMW ALPINAs since 1993.

This represents 26% of the above models produced global.

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