Looking to buy B8 4.6 coupe

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Looking to buy B8 4.6 coupe

Post by MrRetrofit » Tue Mar 21, 2023 11:32 pm

As the title says I’m going to be looking for a B8 4.6 coupe
Ideally prefacelift but I’m not that bothered really just needs to be clean.

I’ll be advertising my B7 e65 to fund this purchase

I’m aware of approx 4 cars in the UK so am expecting to be going over to the continent to find one

If anyone has any leads that would be great

96 B3 3.2 coupe 15 (Sold May 24)
96 B3 3.2 coupe 32 (Manual!)
97 B3 3.2 coupe 46 (Sold sept 21)
97 B3 3.2 coupe 55 (dismantled)
98 B3 3.2 coupe 60 (Sold sept 21)
04 B7 4.4 SWB 36 (Sold April 24)
04 B7 4.4 SWB 51 (Sold Dec 23)
08 D3 BT coupe 85 (Sold Jul 24)

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