quackers wrote:I've made the points I wished to make in an attempt to redress the balance in regard to earlier, more glowing remarks which were in error factually in my opinion.
The hair drying comment was a joke. It is unfortunate that you have taken exception to it, but that's life.
I make no apologies for my stated views. They are formed from my own memories of those dreadful times.
If you don't agree or don't like my views or don't like my sentiments you are free to have your say. It is of no importance to me that you dissent just as her demise is of no importance to me.
Just because I'm not a Tory does not mean I'm a "leftie". It just means I'm not a Tory.
Fair comments, well made.
Contrary to popular misconception, this thread hasn't [yet] degenerated in my view - and certainly not compared to many others I've seen today. I'm pleased to see we've kept a sense of decorum on such a contentious issue.
I was doing a degree in economics when Maggs was still in power and I therefore agreed with much of what she was doing at the time. I did not, however, agree with the
way she was doing it, nor with the institutional bias she exercised towards her homeland in the south.
Call it sour grapes if you like, but those who live within spitting distance of London should bear in mind that 'their' Empire was built on the blood, sweat, and tears of their neighbours in the industrial heartlands of Britain. The utter contempt shown by Maggie to these areas during her reign is tangible even today, especially in Liverpool - which was regarded as a fair sacrifice
Love her if you must, but at least acknowledge that your affection is primarily a result of what she did for you personally, rather than her goodwill to all men. Few modern leaders have been responsible for such a great loss of life and livlihood. If you aren't aware of this, or haven't experienced it first hand, I'd ask you to consider your comments carefully. Even Saddam was loved by some people in Iraq.