Margaret Thatcher dead

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Post by B10BRW » Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:09 pm

quackers wrote: Anyway, that's my last word on this distasteful subject - you may be glad to hear :-)
Good :clap:

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Post by dellboy 1959 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 6:28 pm

Let's not start provoking people please but lol anyway.
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Post by Chas » Tue Apr 09, 2013 7:40 pm

quackers wrote:I've made the points I wished to make in an attempt to redress the balance in regard to earlier, more glowing remarks which were in error factually in my opinion.

The hair drying comment was a joke. It is unfortunate that you have taken exception to it, but that's life.

I make no apologies for my stated views. They are formed from my own memories of those dreadful times.
If you don't agree or don't like my views or don't like my sentiments you are free to have your say. It is of no importance to me that you dissent just as her demise is of no importance to me.

Just because I'm not a Tory does not mean I'm a "leftie". It just means I'm not a Tory.
Fair comments, well made.

Contrary to popular misconception, this thread hasn't [yet] degenerated in my view - and certainly not compared to many others I've seen today. I'm pleased to see we've kept a sense of decorum on such a contentious issue.

I was doing a degree in economics when Maggs was still in power and I therefore agreed with much of what she was doing at the time. I did not, however, agree with the way she was doing it, nor with the institutional bias she exercised towards her homeland in the south.

Call it sour grapes if you like, but those who live within spitting distance of London should bear in mind that 'their' Empire was built on the blood, sweat, and tears of their neighbours in the industrial heartlands of Britain. The utter contempt shown by Maggie to these areas during her reign is tangible even today, especially in Liverpool - which was regarded as a fair sacrifice :shock:

Love her if you must, but at least acknowledge that your affection is primarily a result of what she did for you personally, rather than her goodwill to all men. Few modern leaders have been responsible for such a great loss of life and livlihood. If you aren't aware of this, or haven't experienced it first hand, I'd ask you to consider your comments carefully. Even Saddam was loved by some people in Iraq.

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Post by KevinB10 » Tue Apr 09, 2013 8:18 pm

Jerry Hayes the ex Harlow MP hit the nail on the head when he said yesterday that Margaret Thatcher was a marmite Prime Minister - you either loved her or hated her. Now go and look in your garage and you will find a car that we all love! :D

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Post by JASV8S » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:21 pm

I have to agree 100% with Chas on this. I started working in the oil industry in Aberdeen in 1977 and we were insulated from the damage that was being done elsewhere but I wasn't insensitive to the plight of other working people elsewhere or the damage that was being done to our industry heartlands that would take years to recover. Sometimes you need to look outside to see the bigger picture.
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Post by big blue » Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:46 pm

I wonder if Maggie ever drove an ALPINA...............

If so she would have said "can I have a Blue one please"...............

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Post by MickB3 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:40 am

big blue wrote:I wonder if Maggie ever drove an ALPINA...............

If so she would have said "can I have a Blue one please"...............

We all know we have to go "Green" to protect the future :wink:
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Post by MickB3 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:42 am

Chas wrote: Call it sour grapes if you like, but those who live within spitting distance of London should bear in mind that 'their' Empire was built on the blood, sweat, and tears of their neighbours in the industrial heartlands of Britain. The utter contempt shown by Maggie to these areas during her reign is tangible even today, especially in Liverpool - which was regarded as a fair sacrifice :shock:

Love her if you must, but at least acknowledge that your affection is primarily a result of what she did for you personally, rather than her goodwill to all men. Few modern leaders have been responsible for such a great loss of life and livlihood. If you aren't aware of this, or haven't experienced it first hand, I'd ask you to consider your comments carefully. Even Saddam was loved by some people in Iraq.
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Post by big blue » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:14 am

MickB3 wrote:
big blue wrote:I wonder if Maggie ever drove an ALPINA...............

If so she would have said "can I have a Blue one please"...............

We all know we have to go "Green" to protect the future :wink:
Does that mean going to biodiesel as well as going green? :wink:
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Post by MickB3 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:21 am

big blue wrote:
Does that mean going to biodiesel as well as going green? :wink:
:shock: :shock: :shock:

I am all for the future of the planet BUT there are limits :twisted:
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Post by rcshott » Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:55 pm

I'm wondering what happened to; "Don't speak ill of the dead"? Or, "Have some respect for the dead"?
Reading this these pages say to me;
You can please some of the people some of the time,
And you can please all of the people some of the time,
But you cannot please all of the people all of the time!

And just WHO said that?

Love or hate Lady Thatcher she wasn't called "The Iron Lady" for nothing and had more guts and determination than most polies of all persuasions, past and present! I've close friends who suffered under her policies, but they don't dance at her passing. Take the "Red Dragon" trying to stuff (sorry...STUFFING) Australia at the mo. The entire country want her out and there WILL be major celebrations after September elections... but to wait until she is dead just ain't right!

What I'm peed about are the TV pics being run by BBC (your very own country's network, Ladies and Gents) where people (kids, NOT even born when Thatcher was PM) are dancing on pictures of her... in public. ABSOLUTELY SCANDALOUS! Obviously none are relations! A spectacle appropriate for 3rd world dictators... including some raping and pillaging their own people right now. This has greatly lowered my opinion of some so-called "educated" of the Western world populace.

Some comments here appear a bit misinformed... or the writer/s have forgotten, but most are good. I've someone very close to me who STILL sings the praises of Saddam & refuses to believe the truth and calls it "American propaganda". Consequently I hold my tongue to reduce heated verbal disputes. Two things I rarely discuss, politics and religion. BOTH are bad for the world as they are portrayed. NEITHER can be changed with stupid comment, argument and 'waste-of-space' demonstrators.

R.I.P. Mrs T, your job is done!
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Post by dellboy 1959 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:12 pm

:clap: :clap: Well said Jim.
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Post by MickB3 » Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:59 pm

Love or hate Lady Thatcher she wasn't called "The Iron Lady" for nothing and had more guts and determination than most

What I'm peed about are the TV pics being run by BBC (your very own country's network, Ladies and Gents) where people (kids, NOT even born when Thatcher was PM) are dancing on pictures of her... in public. ABSOLUTELY SCANDALOUS!
1, No the iron lady was an apt name, she stubbornly stuck to her beliefs as it decimated our area. "The ladies not for turning" no matter how many people suffer in the process.

2, Perhaps these people live in towns like mine, sons and grandsons of folk who have suffered so much from the total devastation her policies have left as their legacy.

Come and visit my town and see what "Mis informed" folk are talking about. :wink:
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Post by nealpina » Wed Apr 10, 2013 3:50 pm

I said to myself some years ago do not post on any politic threads, because no one wins and most of the time I feel that some of my facts may be incorrect because my interest in Economics is not as strong as it once was , but I cannot stop myself from ranting on this subject. I started to write this out yesterday morning:

I have a lot of respect for the Iron Lady


Trade Unions are now weak and the employer has too many rights. However she needed to get the lazy workers back to a full working week. No matter what you think of Bob Crow (I have a detrimental opinion of him, one of many reasons, my train journeys are terrible during a strike), however he protects his workers which no other industry has, hence I respect the guy because he fights for workers rights, better pay, and conditions. If other Unions had the same courage as Crow I feel that low paid workers will start to receive better wages.

She caused the coalminers and other manufacturing industries to lose their jobs – her idea behind this was so England/Britain becomes a Service sector country only! She started to stop investing in any manufacturing in the early 80s (IIRC1984), however coalminers did not receive any retraining to help them for the service sector industry and this was a huge mistake; and other developing countries were industrialing hence exporting these goods were becoming less. However Germany did decide to invest in both manufacturing and services therefore this is why they are self-sufficient in building and making the finest cars in the world, but at the same time having a successful financial sector. Our car industry is crap and the UK tried to reinvent this several times but we still drive German cars, or cars from Asia.

The reason for privatisation is more competition = lower prices = the consumer will benefit. However it doesn’t feel like this especially with things like our rail system. However I have a choice of broadband and telephone suppliers which I can negotiate a good deal

Her legacy to John Major were less taxes and these were at their lowest by 1997. We continued from a fiscal to a monetary policy reforms, hence why we were also in a surplus in 1997. For me we had less inequality and more equality during the late 90s. Thanks Blair and Brown for destroying our Economy, hence labour decided to spend all of our money on public services and caused our gold to be sold. They also removed the gap of lending hence people started to borrow and spend above their means.

She introduced the right to buy council housing which was good for people like my parents. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act of 1984 also came into force which is good for everyone.

Thatcher had bigger balls than most men. The cold war came to an end. I also hope someone with big subtle iron balls can also resolve the clash with North Korea

The biggest mistake she made apart from no investment in manufacturing and retraining in the industries which closed, and with real on the job service sector training - was the Community Charge.

Before my degree in Economics, I was a socialist, during my degree I became a conservative because of Thatcher and Monetary policies. Therefore, I thought the current party would be more like the conservative party of the 80s and 90s, but it doesn’t feel like that. Therefore I am becoming a revolutionist. The ‘Pina Party’ and the first law I will change is to unlimited speed on Motorways, but stiffer penalties for inappropriate and careless driving. Also to denationalize TV – the BBC tax will be removed. However I am no longer at the age where I care about the things I cannot change, and only care about the things which I can change.

My 2p worth
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Post by markbannister » Wed Apr 10, 2013 4:35 pm

rcshott wrote:I've someone very close to me who STILL sings the praises of Saddam & refuses to believe the truth and calls it "American propaganda".
Too true, off topic but Mrs. Mark and her mother refuse to hear anything bad said against Mao (they're Chinese obviously!), even though Mrs. M's grandfather spent over 20 years in a labour camp for saying the wrong thing.
Mark B

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