Margaret Thatcher dead

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dellboy 1959
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Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by dellboy 1959 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:19 pm

RIP old girl i for one will miss her. :cry: as far as I'm concerned she did above and beyond what was expected unlike MP's today.
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Re: Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by MickB3 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:48 pm

dellboy 1959 wrote:RIP old girl i for one will miss her. :cry: as far as I'm concerned she did above and beyond what was expected unlike MP's today.
:silence :snooty @@@
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Re: Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by markbannister » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:06 pm

I totally agree, even though I was only 11 when she came to power. Pity the current incumbent has not been as radical as her.

However, maybe wrong forum for politics and what may, inevitably, become a slanging match :?: :!:

dellboy 1959 wrote:RIP old girl i for one will miss her. :cry: as far as I'm concerned she did above and beyond what was expected unlike MP's today.
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Re: Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by Chas » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:18 pm

dellboy 1959 wrote:she did above and beyond what was expected unlike MP's today.
Yep, she certainly did that... especially north of the border. I suspect she did more for Scottish Nationalism than Salmond ever could :snooty

A lot of what she tried to achieve was admirable, ballsy, and perhaps even necessary. However, she worked on the assumption that everyone in the country was wealthy enough to own their own home and still have enough left over to buy shares in de-nationalised corporations. Sadly that wasn't the case. History shows that those who benefited most from the Thatcher era were the vulgar and the rich. The root of the current financial crisis has been laid at the door of Thatcher policies. And those who still benefit are the vulgar and the rich.

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Post by MickB3 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:55 pm

Sorry but I just cant get this out of my head.
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Re: Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by Charles » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:06 pm

markbannister wrote:However, maybe wrong forum for politics and what may, inevitably, become a slanging match :?: :!:
Moved to Guest Blog section as a more appropriate place for individual views to be expressed
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Re: Margaret Thatcher dead

Post by mac » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:34 pm

Chas wrote:
dellboy 1959 wrote:she did above and beyond what was expected unlike MP's today.
Yep, she certainly did that... especially north of the border. I suspect she did more for Scottish Nationalism than Salmond ever could :snooty

A lot of what she tried to achieve was admirable, ballsy, and perhaps even necessary. However, she worked on the assumption that everyone in the country was wealthy enough to own their own home and still have enough left over to buy shares in de-nationalised corporations. Sadly that wasn't the case. History shows that those who benefited most from the Thatcher era were the vulgar and the rich. The root of the current financial crisis has been laid at the door of Thatcher policies. And those who still benefit are the vulgar and the rich.

When it comes to politics, There's nothing new under the sun.
Have to agree with Chas here!
I am not glad she has passed away but I am not sorrowful either!
It was not just in Scotland where she was ill thought of, in fact I would say any where North of Watford Gap!!
The Greedy's came to the fore under Maggie.
Redundancies left, right and center for the common worker under her get rich (for the privileged few) policies!

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Post by dellboy 1959 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:49 pm

Name 1 MP at the time that would of kicked the Argies arses????------Answer NON as they were spineless as they are now.
Maggie may of had here faults and I'm not denying that but she had bottle and i bet if she was still in power Brussels would of been told to feck off annorl.
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Post by B10BRW » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:57 pm

As previously stated Maggie had her faults, but at least she had the interests of her country at heart, not like that lying traitor Blair, who was only interested in lining his own pockets,whilst destroying this Country.
Non of the PM's after Maggie were/are fit to clean her shoes.
Another great thing she did was to reduce the power of the unions.
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Post by mac » Mon Apr 08, 2013 5:59 pm

dellboy 1959 wrote:Name 1 MP at the time that would of kicked the Argies arses????------Answer NON as they were spineless as they are now.
Maggie may of had here faults and I'm not denying that but she had bottle and i bet if she was still in power Brussels would of been told to feck off annorl.
Not a problem over what she did on that score!
I can remember the elation when British Forces first engaged the Argies, I think it was a helicopter attack on a docked Argentine submarine!
It was the Falkland War that saved Maggie!
It took all other thoughts away from her disastrous policies and galvanised all of the UK once that respect she was lucky the Falkland problem came about.

I am not going to post any more on this can reply, by all means....and I will read it.....but to me it will always be.......Maggie, Maggie, Maggie, Maggie.....OUT, OUT, OUT!!!!!
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Post by dellboy 1959 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:29 pm

It wasn't Maggie that brought the country to it's knees,that was reserved for the likes of Scargill and ALL the trade union leaders.
People forget that these unions were asking for ridiculous pay rises that even the village idiot would of realised were non sustainable.

Just to add,my old man was a fireman back then and yes on strike as well as most the country was so i had first hand experience as to what it was like.
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Post by Charles » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:20 pm

What is perhaps hidden behind the headlines is the question as to what this country would be like if we still had the unions behaving the way they were in the 70s and early 80s.

I have no doubts at all that the growth we experienced in the late 80s and 90s was as a direct result of the emasculation of the unions, forcing them to work with the employers rather than against them.

For this I am eternally grateful to Thatcher - even though I fully recognise that some of her other approaches weren't necessarily in the best interests of certain parts of society.
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Post by KevinB10 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:26 pm

I will always remember her as the best Prime Minister this country has had.

When she came to power in 1979 we had endured the winter of discontent and the three day week. The unions were effectively running the country and not James Callaghan.

The unions grip on the country had to be broken and it took Margaret Thatchers determination and policies to achieve it.

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Post by AG » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:42 pm

I agree with what Charles & dellboyhas written.

I know people who's businesses went under due to the 3 day week and all the strikes, shameful way to have brought the country to its knee's.
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dellboy 1959
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Post by dellboy 1959 » Mon Apr 08, 2013 8:53 pm

Charles wrote:What is perhaps hidden behind the headlines is the question as to what this country would be like if we still had the unions behaving the way they were in the 70s and early 80s.

I have no doubts at all that the growth we experienced in the late 80s and 90s was as a direct result of the emasculation of the unions, forcing them to work with the employers rather than against them.

For this I am eternally grateful to Thatcher - even though I fully recognise that some of her other approaches weren't necessarily in the best interests of certain parts of society.
Well put Charles and as you quite rightly say,yes she made mistakes but name a politician who has a 100% record for pleasing all the people all of the time???.
the unions had to be reigned in or i dread to think what would of happened,bowl of gruel anyone lol.
The main thing i admire her for though was the Falklands (yes i was there) the old adage give someone an inch springs to mind and i for one would go back there and defend the island again in the blink of an eye.
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